Transferring Weight to the Front Foot
I have a problem of not transferring my weight from my back right foot to my front foot. How can I get my weight on my front foot in the finished position?
Transferring your weight to the front foot can be simply solved by keeping your weight centered or starting your swing on your front foot. This will minimize the weight shift that you will need to get to the front foot.
Traditional golf instruction is taught to make a huge shift to the back foot, but this will make it harder for the golfer to be consistent with their low point. You can learn more about low point on my
Bunker Shot page.
It is a shame to see golf instruction teach such a move when very few tour players demonstrate it in their swings. Although you may see the upper center of the spine tilt away from the target in some player's swings, you will rarely see a tour player's spine tilt or weight be over or outside their right foot.
Below you will find Jack Nicklaus, Davis Love III, and Billy Mayfair at the top of their golf swings.
Notice how their centers are stacked on top of each other and their weight is never fully on their right foot.
By not making such a dramatic move to your back foot it will be easier for you to transfer your weight to your front foot. If you keep your weight centered or setup with your weight 55% on your left foot and 45% on your right(irons)(40% left, 60% right for Driver), you will only need to move a couple of inches to your left side.
Notice in the sequence of Matt Kuchar below how his left knee moves toward the target. You can can see the progression by checking the position of the left knee in each frame.

If you have done the weight shift correctly you should notice that the left knee after impact in the last frame will be in front of your left ankle(shown above).
A good drill you can use is to place an object like a
Tour Alignment Stick
in the ground 2 inches outside your left knee. Take a couple of practice swings moving your weight forward so that your knee slides into the stick through impact.
Another good drill you can use to transfer your weight to your front foot once you are in a centered setup is to use "Gary Player's" famous step through finish. This is excellent in making sure all of your weight is cleared to your left side.
To do this correctly you should be able to step with your right foot across your left towards the target at the finish of your swing.
I hope this information helps with transferring weight to the front foot and if you have any additional questions please ask below in a comment form.
Best of Luck,