Are you looking for that next spark in consistency with your game? The pre shot routine will accomplish this task.
If you ever watch the pro's on tv you will notice that every single one will have some sort of pre-shot routine. Before they hit a shot you will see them either standing behind the ball or staring down their targets while taking practice swings.
This type of zeroing in on the target like a bull seeing red is allowing them to commit to the shot and become comfortable with the shot they are about to hit.
If you have ever struggled with nervousness or first tee butterflies during a tournament then you need a preshot routine.
Executing the pre shot routine correctly each time could be the difference maker in eliminating those shots that you weren't 100% totally focused.
Sometimes when playing this game it is hard to focus 100% on every shot, and when that happens disaster is lurking around the corner. To prevent this it is crucial to have a routine that is repeatable and comfortable.
Here is an example of a pre shot routine that you can follow:
With this type of approach your mind is going to be focused more on the destination than how you're going to do it. Our bodies are amazing when it comes to muscle memory and if you allow your mind to get out of your body's way your results will start speaking for themselves.
While you are setting up over the ball it is important to not second guess your plan of action. If you do it is ok to back off and repeat the pre-shot routine over again.
The key is to be committed and have trust in yourself with the shot at hand. You need to be realistic with yourself as well when you're doing the visual in your mind.
For example, if you are trying to pull off a 40 yard cut around a huge oak tree and it is not a realistic shot within your playing ability then you are only kidding yourself. So, be realistic when choosing your shots beforehand because having trust in your ability to hit the shot will have an impact.
To see an excellent example of a PGA Tour player executing the pre-shot routine, watch the video below of Martin Flores.
I promise as you keep investing the time in becoming more target oriented and preventing your mind from interfering with your muscle memories you will start seeing consistent shots that you didn't think you had.
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