Golf Right Arm
by Bill
I cannot straighten my right arm because of spurs around the elbow. Can someone tell me how this affects my swing? I am weighing the options for surgery.
Thank you,
The inability to straighten the right arm can have several effects on the swing. One of those effects is having a release too early or throwaway motion. This means the club is reaching its inline condition with the left arm too quickly and will often result in either fat or thin shots.
Another effect the right arm not straightening can have is a quick hinging of the wrists after impact. This will cause the club to speed up after impact which can result in impact being inconsistant.
However, you may be able to play good golf if you can maintain a flat left wrist and not allow the club to pass the hands until after impact. The best ball strikers in the world are those who sustain pressure and alignments of the club until impact. Notice below Tiger has not allowed the clubshaft to pass the left arm and has ensured a bent right wrist.

In order for you to achieve these alignments you will need to place an emphasis on your left hand and arm driving the club down the plane and into the ball. The goal is to allow the left hand and arm to be the driver and the right arm and hand to be the passenger which could help with the spurs.
Even if you are unable to develop these alignments you can still play great golf although the timing of the release through the ball will have to be very precise.
I will be posting a series of future videos covering this very subject on impact with further details on how to achieve proper alignments at impact. I hope you found this information on the effects of the right arm straightening helpful and if you have any further questions, please comment below.
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